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Paddlesteamer 400 BP - Dirt Hurt

Just one ride, I'd like for derros not to put a downer on it. This one out classed itself, where when I went for a look around Eudunda; a pack of 10 or more staffies were in a front yard, with a beat up, grafitti covered car out front. Just ride past. Ordinarily, no big deal. Only the fence was mid thigh height, and two of the pack had zero trouble leaping it. I stopped and got off the bike - didnt want to encourage chasing - leaving my bike between me and the biggest one. They circled me, and one kept coming in at my leg: for a bite or a nip, its unclear, I swear I felt it touch me. Every time it darted in, I'd square up and yell in my best drill sargeant tones, GET BACK INSIDE. This kept happening, and I slowly backed up, to put the car plus bike on one flank. By this time, it's caused a commotion, and the owner comes out of a shed. Normally I have a bit of a chat and am friendly: playful dogs arent unusual. So I wave, and say: "friendly lot, arent they?" Dickh

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